The Complete Senior Center Guide
(Best Services, Activities & Programs)
People are staying active and healthy longer because of better medicines, advances in technology and overall better medical practices. This allows older adults to stay independent longer, which is great, but it also means they frequently spend more time by themselves. Senior centers provide a supportive community that promotes independence.
Staying busy is very important. Finding new ways to socialize and to stay engaged becomes harder as we grow old, which can make finding activities a bit challenging.
For older adults, those needs can be fulfilled by making use of senior resources and senior centers. They are a terrific place with a lot to offer.

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see”
Mark Twain
Considering a Senior Center?
People are staying active and healthy longer because of better medicines, advances in technology and overall better medical practices. This allows older adults to stay independent longer, which is great, but it also means they frequently spend more time by themselves. Senior centers provide a supportive community that promotes independence.
Staying busy is very important. Finding new ways to socialize and to stay engaged becomes harder as we grow old, which can make finding activities a bit challenging.
For older adults, those needs can be fulfilled by making use of senior resources and senior centers. They are a terrific place with a lot to offer.
What is a Senior Center?
What does a ACCOA Center for Active Living do? The Center for Active Living is a place where adults come together, offering resources, activities, and programs that adults can take part in collectively. Those programs are designed to meet the needs of the people in the area.
The Center for Active Living is ideal for people who are looking to stay active and get out of the house more often. They also help to bring communities together in ways that would not otherwise be possible. Adults can grow friendships that can be maintained via the center and out in the community. They make a big difference in the lives of many people.
Most of the people who attend the Center for Active Living live in their own homes and enjoy the many benefits the center brings. The true purpose of ACCOA Center for Active Living is to enrich the lives of older adults by providing things they might need but are not getting in their everyday life. The Center takes helps older adults become more self-sufficient, by staying active, exercising your mind and body, and having a community of supportive individuals, they can stay healthier and independent longer.
When Should You Join a Senior Citizen Center?
Other than the fact that you must wait until you are at least 55 years old to join the Center for Active Living, there is no right or wrong time to join. The decision is based on your personal needs and wants and current quality of life. If you find yourself feeling lonely, having nothing to do, or lacking a sense of community, attending a program at the Center for Active Living is a perfect idea.
Even if you do not feel as if you are missing something, attending the Center for Active Living will benefit you in many ways. Research shows that many programs offered by senior centers can help delay chronic illness, manage, and improve symptoms of an illness or even prevent diseases.
ACCOA Center for Active Living is not just a place for “old people”, it is a place where individuals come together to have fun, learn new things, and share experiences.
There is a wide range of programs and services provided.
Meal and Nutrition Programs
In our senior years, it becomes more important than ever to eat the right foods and to achieve a balanced diet. That is why it is so great that Community Action can offer meals and nutrition programs at the Center for Active Living. They can help with improving your diet or help to manage your weight or chronic health conditions.
Senior Fitness
For many, staying active and fit can be a big challenge. It is important to stay active and fit so that problems can be kept at bay. There are fitness classes, exercise activities to consider. There is something for every fitness and mobility level.
Wellness Activities
In addition, to wellness seminars to help you to learn to care of yourself and living a healthier lifestyle. ACCOA Center for Active Living offers health screenings, which include hearing tests, blood pressure checks, blood sugar tests, and more.
Educational Programs
There is never any reason to stop learning, no matter what your age is. There are classes that can teach you about just about everything at senior resource centers. Some people want to learn about geography while others want to pick up some gardening tips. Others might even want to learn a language. All these educational programs and many more are offered at lots of the senior centers around the country. They could help you develop a whole new hobby.
Arts Activities
Expressing yourself is important whatever stage of life you are at, and the best way of expressing yourself is through art. Of course, art is a very broad spectrum, and it can include lots of different things. Some people can learn how to play a musical instrument at the local senior center, while others can learn about fine arts and painting. There are even theater groups that operate in senior centers. You might also get the chance to see some performances at the center by people who visit and put on a show. So, why not get involved and enjoy everything the arts have to offer?
Social and Recreational Activities
Meeting with people your age and engaging with them directly can be a big part of what makes the Center for Active Living experience so unique and so important. There are parties, dances and other events that help to bring people together socially. Any of the activities provide the opportunity for socializing and there are usually plenty of games to play, from card games to board games.
Special Interest Clubs
There are special interest clubs and groups that get together to meet and discuss their interests or complete activities as part of a group at the center. There are things like book clubs, trips to the theater or other performances, movie clubs, and even travel opportunities.
Of course, there are too many to list here. You should check out which clubs gather at the center and attend any that sound appealing to you.
Personal Finances Assistance
Some people can really struggle with their money and their personal finances when they get a little older. There are frequently classes and seminars that focus on budgeting and other general issues that relate to personal finances.
Employment Resources
Many older adults still want to find work and that is something that you can get help with at the Center for Active Living. There are resources and guidance available to assist you. You may even be able to find work there in some instances.
Computer Classes
A lot of older adults would simply have never learned how to use a computer properly. That is a real issue. Computer classes, therefore, can be so useful and helpful.
Volunteer Opportunities
In some cases, you will be able to volunteer at the center. This provides more responsibilities and makes it possible for older adults to get some structure without necessarily having to take on the commitment of a job. It is a way to make a positive impact and do something good on a regular basis.
Special Events Throughout the Year
There are a range of special events that are hosted throughout the year. This involves a variety of dances, gatherings, holiday celebrations, and other things. It is exciting to have something to look forward to throughout the year.
Trips and Outings
Many field trips that are organized by the Center. Giving older adults the chance to get out there and do something unique with their friends can be a lot of fun. These field trips provide an opportunity to for a change of scenery and to do something new and interesting.
Who Can Use the Center for Active Living?
To put it simply, senior centers are for senior citizens, but that might not necessarily mean the same things at all senior centers in the country. They are often open to anyone over the age of 55.
Beyond the age restriction, there are not many other rules that will stop you from being able to attend the Center for Active Living. It is a very open and welcoming place.
Accessing the Center is simple. Programs and activities are usually free or at a very minimal fee. You can get on the newsletter mailing for as little as $10.00 a year.
Access Home Maintenance Services
The Center for Active Living can help with minor home maintenance. For example, simple home repairs or perhaps seasonal help with tasks like lawn care or snow removal can help to make it easier for you to stay in your own home.
We hope this has helped you understand what the ACCOA Center for Active Living can do for you. Getting involved at the Center will enrich your life by introducing you to different activities, connecting you with new people, and helping you lead a better life. We strongly recommend that you contact the Centers and explore their programs and talk to other members.